Kick Unwanted Habits with Hypnotherapy
We all have habits we wish we could kick—whether it's vaping, smoking, or stress eating, it’s easy to get stuck in a loop that feels impossible to break. But what if there was a tool that could help you regain control and finally break free from these behaviours? At Clementine, we’re so happy to share a case study from one of our community members who recently decided it was time to break the habit of vaping. She worked with Jimmy Hutton, one of our expert hypnotherapists, and we’ll be diving into her journey today to show you how hypnotherapy might just be the key to kicking your own habits for good.
Understanding the Habit Loop
Habits are deeply ingrained behaviors triggered by cues that lead to specific routines and rewards. Over time, your brain gets used to this loop, making it harder to break free. Whether it’s reaching for a vape in stressful moments or snacking out of boredom, breaking these automatic patterns can feel like an uphill battle—especially if you’re relying solely on willpower. But there’s a way to hack this cycle: by tapping into your subconscious with hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy as a Solution
Although it may feel like it, habit loops and addictions are never really about the object of our desire: food, smoking, gambling - whatever is getting in your way it is always a bout a deper belief or wounding that you may or may not be consciously aware of.
So you will see in this case study that my client was expecting more formulaic hypnosis. But the reason that doesn’t always work is because every client is unique. To truly make a change in your life you have to get to the route cause of why you are really engaging in self sabotaging behaviour.
When you’ve found that, that’s when lasting change can happen.
Case Study - Quitting Vaping With Jimmy’s Help - Summer 2024.
What made you decide it was time to quit vaping? Was there a specific momemtn or reason that pushed you to take action?
I realised that I was actively avoiding my family so that I could vape. I would spend time in my office in the evening under the guise of ‘work’ when it was really so I could vape at home.
What was your experience of working with Jimmy and his approach? Did anything surprise you about the process?
I was surprised that the approach wasn’t more formulaic, as I had tried downloadable hypnotherapy before (and it hadn’t worked obviously) but Jimmy’s approach was that he wanted to get to the root cause of my vaping so that I understood why I did it, in order to re-programme my sub conscious.
What did he do well?
Jimmy was very calm and friendly and very open to feedback.
Was here anything he could have done better?
The only thing for me would have been to manage my expectations a bit more - I kept expecting him to tell me to stop, when actually it was completely in my power, adnd as soon as he said that it made complete sense.
Now that you’ve stopped vaping, how has your life changed - physically, mentally, or emotionally?
I feel much more free - not sneaking off to vape in the loo whenever I go out, or panicking because I don’t have one, or hiding from my family behind a closed door.
What would you say to someone who’s considering hypnotherapy to give up a habit or vice?
Try it - there is nothing to lose and so much to gain. Think about the money you are spending on whatever it is you are trying to give up, and look at it as a payment in advance!
Written by Jimmy Hutton
To find out more about how Jimmy could help you see his profile and book a complimentary chat.