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Clementine Expands its Award-Winning App with Personalized 'Book a Therapist' Service

Clementine, renowned for its award-winning mindset app, announces the integration of a new feature: the 'Book a Therapist' service. Recognizing the importance of tailored support for individuals seeking mental wellbeing, Clementine now offers one-to-one sessions with trusted therapists to complement its existing digital cognitive hypnotherapy offerings.

As pioneers in the field of mental wellness, Clementine identified a growing need for personalised support among its user base. While the app's cognitive hypnotherapy sessions have garnered acclaim for their effectiveness in combating stress, anxiety, and poor sleep, the company acknowledges that some individuals require additional guidance on their journey to mental wellness.

"In our commitment to empowering women and promoting mental wellbeing, we continuously strive to enhance our offerings based on user feedback and market insights," said Kim Palmer, Founder and CEO of Clementine. "With the introduction of the 'Book a Therapist' service, we aim to provide a holistic approach to mental wellness that combines the benefits of digital cognitive hypnotherapy with personalized, one-to-one support."

Market research conducted by Clementine revealed a significant challenge facing consumers in selecting a therapist from the multitude of options available. While therapy directories abound, the process of choosing a therapist can be overwhelming and daunting for many individuals.

"We understand that navigating the landscape of therapy options can be daunting, especially for those seeking support for the first time," said Kim Palmer, Founder & CEO at Clementine. ‘Through our 'Book a Therapist' service, we've simplified the process by curating a select group of therapists whom we trust to provide high-quality, effective support. This ensures that users can access the help they need with confidence and ease."

Clementine's commitment to user-centric innovation is reflected in the careful selection of therapists for its platform. The company plans to expand its team of trusted therapists in areas where additional support is needed, ensuring that users have access to the best possible care. It’s also planning an innovative feature where all recorded sessions with therapists can be added to the Clementine app - giving the customer much easier access to continue their therapy after a session.

"We're dedicated to fostering a supportive community and providing resources that empower women to prioritize their mental wellbeing," said Kim Palmer, Founer & CEO, Clementine. "With the 'Book a Therapist' service, we're not only expanding our app's capabilities but also reaffirming our commitment to delivering comprehensive, personalised support for individuals at every stage of their mental wellness journey."

For more information about Clementine and its 'Book a Therapist' service, visit


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