How to fall asleep quickly

For anyone struggling with sleep, as long as you’ve ruled out any medical reasons - because the first port of call is to visit your GP if you think you have insomnia. Once you’ve done that, it’s about building a healthy sleep routine (and sticking to it). This alone may help you to fall asleep faster. Make sure your sleep hygiene is good (see above) and that your sleep routine is both healthy and consistent (also above).

Key factor: Train the mind to think calm, healthy thoughts while lying in bed before sleep. This is where Clementine comes in. Rather than lying in bed worrying about whether you’ll get a good night’s sleep, by routinely listening to a Clementine session, you can fill the time usually associated with anxious mental chatter, with a healthy, supportive voice and positive suggestions. 

Why can't you get to sleep?

1. In some cases, there are medical reasons for lack of sleep. If you’re worried, always consult your GP, or primary care physician for US readers, to rule out any physiological causes of insomnia.

2. Next, check if there are any practical changes you may need to make. Is your bedroom too hot or too cold? Is there light or noise pollution where you sleep. Or is there anything else that might be distracting you at night? Alcohol, smoking or caffeine during the day may have an adverse effect on sleep, so check these things. Do you take naps during the day? This may reduce your need for sleep at night, so you may need to commit to a week away from napping to get back into a better routine.

3. Stress is probably the most common cause of poor sleep. Increased arousal levels at night can prevent people from falling asleep, staying asleep or sleeping deeply. The cruel knock-on effect of this is that poor sleep can negatively affect stress management and emotional regulation the following day, which increases anxiety and reduces sleep further.

Clementine sessions seek to relieve stress in a number of ways, by training the skill of relaxation, training the mind to let go of stressful thoughts, training the mind to think calmer thoughts, using hypnotherapeutic suggestions to boost self-esteem and confidence, pattern in positive self-beliefs and to practice healthy perspectives. In this way, what we offer is much more than just a sleep aid. It’s a holistic hypnotherapeutic package to improve people’s sense of autonomy, self-control, self-acceptance and mental resilience. 

How can Clementine help you to sleep quicker? 

Assuming there’s no medical or environmental reason, people who struggle to fall asleep quickly and easily are probably dealing with intrusive, anxious or otherwise arousing thoughts before sleep. As your mind engages with worry, the adrenaline kicks in and prevents sleep. Clementine helps in two ways here:

1. You can listen to a session instead and engage with calmer thoughts as a result - replacing any worry with healthy mental activity.

2. The sessions train the mind to think calmer thoughts and if this becomes part of your sleep routine, over time, that state of calm can become associated with bed/bedtime, which makes it easier to let go and drift off. 


Sleep hypnosis


Rise and shine sleepy head