5 Ways To Calm Your Nerves in 5 mins.

For the first time in over a decade, my nervous system feels... actually repaired. After spending a whole month in New Zealand—kid-free—my body has finally, finally unclenched. Shoulders dropped. Jaw relaxed. A level of calm I honestly didn’t even know was possible.

Sadly, I can’t just take off for four weeks every time I need a reset (I wish). So how do I bring this deep nervous system restoration into my daily life? That’s the question I’ve been sitting with, and I realised I needed a go-to list of simple, doable ways to reset my system. Nothing fancy. Just quick, accessible things that actually work.

To make this even better, I asked the absolute guru of self-care and nervous system healing, Atifa Balding, to share some of her favorite techniques. These are just starting points—try them, tweak them, and make them your own.

5-Minute Reset

5-Finger Breathing (Atifa’s pick!)

Perfect for when you’re in the loo, waiting in a queue, pre & post annoying work meetings.

  • Trace the outline of your fingers with your opposite hand—inhale as you go up, exhale as you go down.

  • To make it even more grounding, use a feather to guide your breath.

  • Layer in ocean or forest sounds: if it’s ocean waves, imagine the water gliding over your toes with each inhale and retreating with each exhale. If it’s forest sounds, picture yourself hiking up a peaceful mountain trail.

  • Do this for 3-5 minutes.

Humming Breath (Bee Breath / Bhramari Pranayama) (Atifa’s pick!)

Try this in the shower or before a stressful meeting.

  • Take a deep breath in, then hum as you exhale—feel the vibration through your chest and throat.

  • To enhance this even more… close your eyes and cover your ears while gently rocking side to side. This sends a powerful safety signal to your nervous system.

  • Rocking can also release endorphins, which boost your mood and reduce pain (yes, please).

  • Picture yourself in a peaceful meadow, leaning against a tree while humming softly.

  • Do this for 3-5 minutes, or longer if it feels good &/or you have the time.

Legs Up the Wall

The ultimate end-of-day reset.

  • Lie on your back and rest your legs up against a wall.

  • Instantly activates the parasympathetic nervous system (aka your rest and digest mode).

  • Great after sitting all day, traveling, or just feeling fried.

Nature Connection

Step outside. Touch a tree. Look up at the sky. Feel the ground beneath your feet. Just be in nature, even for a minute.

Can’t get outside? No worries—watch a quick video of ocean waves or leaves rustling in the wind. It still works.

Tapping (EFT)

Waiting for the kettle to boil? Perfect time to tap.

  • Gently tap the side of your hand while saying: “Even though I feel [stressed/tired], I deeply accept myself.”

  • Tapping helps interrupt stress signals and restores a sense of calm.

  • Simple, effective, and weirdly soothing.

There you have it. Five minutes. No fancy equipment. Just real, accessible ways to reset your nervous system anytime you need it. Try them, mix them up, and let me know what works best for you.

Kim Palmer - Founder, Clementine


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