The Mindset Revolution - Behind the Scenes

Interview with our Head of Content development, Hazel Tomlin who ghost wrote our new 'mini-mindset sessions' along with Emily Hodge, Psychologist.

1. What inspired you to create these 3-minute mindset-shifting audio sessions?

At Clementine we’re on a mission to take self-care off the to-do list. Looking after your mental health is something we all know we should do more of, but it can be a challenge to find the time, or to keep to a self-care routine when times get tough.

We want to make mindset care more accessible and are always looking for innovative ways to make it easier, faster and more enjoyable. 

The mini-mindset series aims to shift mindsets within three minutes. Either by reframing a problem and altering the way you think about it; by practising positive thinking to strengthen resilience when negative thoughts come calling; or by running through exercises to soothe uncomfortable feelings.

2. Can you give us an overview of what listeners can expect from these sessions? What makes them so special?

24 new coaching sessions to transform your mindset in minutes. The sessions are designed to help you to: 

  • Break out of problematic thoughts patterns: By recognising negative self-talk, practising self-compassion, and to stop negatively comparing yourself to others and worrying about what other people think.

  • Create more space for positive thoughts and feelings: By practising gratitude, rediscovering awe and joy in the everyday and to savour the good stuff. 

  • Soothe uncomfortable emotions: By remembering what confidence feels like, planning for more calm, regaining a sense of control and living more authentically. 

3. How are these audio sessions available via the Clementine app?

Our Mini-Mindsets collection can be found in the Clementine app - free to all users! 

4. When & how do you suggest people use these new sessions? How do people incorporate them into their daily routines for best results?

The sessions are all about 3 minutes long and so are short enough to be consumed in small routine moments throughout the day; such as when you brush your teeth, take a break from work to make a cuppa, grab a coffee or even nip to the loo. 

The sessions are small but mighty - they pack in a lot to refocus and re-energise the mind..

5. What strategies or techniques are incorporated into these sessions to create a meaningful impact in just 3 minutes?

The coaching sessions are written in a conversational way and use a mixture of guided imagery, positive reframes, metaphor and positive affirmations. 

6. What role does repetition play in the effectiveness of these sessions? How often should listeners revisit the same session?

Listen to the sessions whenever you feel like you need a boost. Repetition helps make a thought or feeling habitual. The more you listen to a session, the more you’ll be able to recall the thought or feeling when you need it most. 

7. What research or expertise informed the development of these sessions? Are there any particular schools of thought that influenced the content?

The sessions are heavily influenced by positive psychology and Kristin Neff’s self-compassion theory. We also worked closely with a psychologist - Emily Hodge. Emily has been a psychologist for 20 years, as well as a mind & business coach for nearly a decade so has a huge appreciation for how our minds work for and against us. Emily helped to craft the sessions with us and recorded the sessions too.

8. How do you address potential scepticism from individuals who might question the ability to achieve meaningful change in just 3 minutes?

So far we’ve had overwhelmingly positive feedback from listeners that the sessions help so try them out for yourself and then make up your mind. You may learn a new way of thinking about something, or simply use them as an opportunity or prompt to practise a mindset.

9. Are there specific session(s) that you personally resonate with the most, and if so, why?

My favourites are the sessions designed to develop positive thinking by exploring four skills; gratitude, joy, awe and savouring. 

Before writing the sessions I had always been reluctant to practise gratitude. It always felt like platitude or just a way to temporarily distract the mind during difficult times. 

I now see gratitude as a skill. Practising gratitude, along with awe, joy and savouring is about making a choice to notice and focus on positive emotions rather than feeling ambivalent or dwelling on the negative. Practising regularly can strengthen a positive mindset, making it more resilient during tougher times. 

Listen to the new mini-mindset sessions here. For free.


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